Let it Flow
Efficient production, in which people, machinery, floor conveyors and storage systems are combined into a unified intralogistics system, is no longer just a vision. It is already possible today – TRUMPF offers its customers this solution under the term “smart material flow”. And the sensor expert Leuze is also on board: Its sensors help with presence detection, data acquisition and safety.
High-tech From the Technology Leader
TRUMPF offers its customers production solutions for machine tools and laser technology. The company supports its customers not only with individual machines but, if desired, elevates the entire intralogistics system of manufacturing enterprises to a whole new level. A digital depiction of the production plant, including all components and storage locations forms the foundation. Based on this, the entire production process can be systematically planned and controlled. Anyone wanting to get an impression of this kind of smart material flow should visit one of the 16 TRUMPF Customer Centers dotted around the world. For example at the headquarters in Ditzingen.
Reaching the Docking Station Reliably and Without Error
The process chain for sheet metal plates essentially consists of the following steps: e.g. punching, cutting, bending and welding. Docking stations are the element that connects all workplaces – a ‘material depot’ for workplaces and machine tools. It is therefore the place where, in combination with the TRUMPF software Oseon, all material movements between the workplaces can be automatically captured and registered. Furthermore, the docking station also serves as a safe and defined handover location for automated guided vehicles (AGV). These vehicles deliver pallets with or without material to the docking stations assigned to them. To ensure that handovers takes place automatically and efficiently, appropriate sensor solutions are needed. During the design phase, the Sensor People from Leuze provided assistance in an advisory capacity: all docking stations at the Customer Center in Ditzingen were equipped with sensors along the sheet metal process chain.
Everything Captured by Sensor
Each docking station registers material movements automatically when depositing or removing a pallet. These movements are fed into the Oseon’s transport control system using the OPC UA data exchange standard. A docking station usually has three sensors: A HT5.1/4X sensor is installed at the bottom of the station. It detects the presence of a carriage. A further sensor of this type is at the top of the docking station. Its task is to register the presence of pallets. If a pallet is detected, the HT5.1/4X starts identification of the pallet via a further sensor. A DCR202iC is installed for this purpose: The scanner captures order and material data via the 2D-code on the pallet and transmits the data to the transport control system. Based on the information from the docking stations, the Oseon software notifies the shopfloor employees exactly when and where which order is to be retrieved or temporarily stored or whether it is to be transported to a specific workplace. To do so, the system orients itself to existing order data from the production plan. From this, the TRUMPF software Oseon automatically generates transport processes from A to B and forwards them to employees or AGVs.
Summary: Simply Smart
TRUMPF is completely satisfied with the high-performance and reliable Leuze sensor solutions. The sensors detect roller carriages and pallets and identify orders and materials fully automatically by means of 2D-codes.TRUMPF expects that its smart intralogistics solution will result in a time-saving of up to 25 percent with respect to production throughput times. Leuze sensor technology contributes to the reliable, safe and efficient implementation of a fully networked material flow.